In addition, samples at any sample rate (including 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k, 176.4k, 192k, and 384k) are recognized.
Samples of any bit depth (8/16/24/32-bit) are supported, both mono and stereo, and in compressed (Ogg Vorbis files-see -and FLAC in Session Drummer 3) and uncompressed (WAV/AIFF) formats.
These is a short list of SFZ capability take from Simon Cann Book Really over the years the list of faux competition goes on and on, but nothing has had the lasting power of Kontakt. Samplelord has amazing format support and low CPU/RAM usage, again development has halted unfortunately MOTU have a complete monster in the latest Mach, unfortunately it is rather expensive and playing catch up with installed userbase vs Kontakt (NIs specials are every few months and very cheap, I got the full Kontakt as an update to a $10 purchase off ebay based on their old Kompakt sampler, I think my total cost was £130) Vsampler was a better plugin when it was current vs Kontakt but development stopped. I am a huge fan of SFZ myself, however in terms of buying a plugin to playback sample banks, unfortunately Kontakt is it at the moment and probably will be so for a looong time to come. There is no scripting supported by SFZ as such (SFZ is actually just a script, so scripting is supported but there is no scripting language as such)Īnd you can already get a UI for editing SFZ SFZEdit